Free Community
Fix-it Fair
April 12, 2025
Community Makers is a 501c3 non-profit working to develop and share models for sustainable, affordable, accessible, and enduring makerspaces.
Community Makers believe makerspaces add value to communities by:
Providing training to help creatives realize their ideas
Enabling opportunities for enthusiastic makers to share their expertise
Making a broad range of tools available to the entire community
Bringing communities together through events like Fix-it Fairs
Providing a place to gather and be with and learn from other makers
We want to make sure that makerspaces survive and thrive in communities starting with our own.
Our goals:
Operate an Experimental Makerspace
Develop and Share Makerspace Best Practices
Develop and Operate a Makerspace Scholarship Program
Develop and Operate a Makerspace Tool Program
Download for more details.